Security and Control

Epyk is an open source platform allowing to display data transformed from Python modules thanks to the existing ecosystem. For this reason the security and control of the packages used is really important.

Epyk will provide a full control on the stack used from the data retrieval to the final display in the page.

External libraries

It is possible to restrict the list of packages or even to update / extend it. Those packages have be tested to work with a dedicated version but it is quite easy to check if the latest version will not put any regression to your page.

Offline mode

To speed up performances but also to run without internet connection on a server some features are available to download the external packages. The folders structure created is the same one used by node.js to facilitate to migration to other JavaScript or TypeScript web frameworks.

The property page.imports.requirements will allow to get the list of external packages used in the page.

It is important to put this at the end as packages are added during the run when component are attached to the page

Install packages

It is possible to install a specific package or a list of packages using the below CLI. If the package is already install the process will not try to update it:

epyk_npm.exe install -pkg=promise-polyfill,@popperjs/core,bootstrap,showdown,jquery,accounting,tabulator-tables,moment,chart.js

Update packages

It is possible to update a specific package or a list of packages using the below CLI:

epyk_npm.exe update -pkg=promise-polyfill,@popperjs/core,bootstrap,showdown,jquery,accounting,tabulator-tables,moment,chart.js

Install all packages

It is also possible to install all the packages (except the Google ones) used in the framework by using the follwoing CLI:

epyk_npm.exe install_all

Restrict the scope

Change versions

Add packages

Adding a new package means creating a new component. It is very easy to add a new package by just using the importManager.

Add packages

Checking packages and versions

It is possible to check for a report or a list of reports the list of external packages. This is quite useful to get a global view of the various dependencies but also it get information about the version of the packages compared to the actual ones in NPM:

::C:\Python\Python39\Scripts\epyk_npm.exe required
C:\Python\Python39\Scripts\epyk_npm.exe required
Epyk Studio dashboard

Google extensions

As google extensions are used to collect the information by default components using those modules are blocked. It will require a specific line of code in order to enable them otherwise the transpilation will raise an error:

# Enable Google Maps

# By default all Google products are disabled

map =, 151.25)

# Click event to add interactivity on the page