Epyk with Jupyter

Epyk can be used either with a local instance of Jupyter or directly online from Jypyter Notebooks.

In this section we will provide online examples.

Start a project

Go to Jupyter and start a Python project.

Add Epyk to your online notebook


Let’s start with a simple cell and a slider component:

import epyk as pk

page = pk.Page()
slider = page.ui.slider()
text = page.ui.text(0)

We can add tables to this notebook:

import epyk as pk
from pandas_datareader import data as pddr

data = [
    {"x": "label 1", "y": 23, "y2": 53},
    {"x": "label 2", "y": 10, "y2": 26},
page = pk.Page()
title = page.ui.title("Data Reader")
s = pddr.DataReader("BAC", 'yahoo', "2021-04-01", "2021-04-20")
page.ui.tables.datatable(s.to_dict(orient="records"), cols=['Close'])

More example should be provided soon in this section.

You can also refer to the previous examples created to show case the concept of Epyk