GraphRoughViz Module

class epyk.core.html.graph.GraphRoughViz.RoughViz(page, width, height, html_code, options, profile)
add_dataset(data: list, label: str = '', colors: Optional[list] = None, opacity: Optional[float] = None, kind: Optional[float] = None)

Add a new Dataset to the chart list of Datasets.

Related Pages:

  • data – The list of points (float)

  • label – Optional. The list of points (float)

  • colors – Optional. The color for this series. Default the global definition

  • opacity – Optional. The opacity level for the content

build(data: Union[str, JsDataModel, float, dict, list, bool] = None, options: Optional[Union[bool, dict]] = None, profile: Optional[Union[bool, dict]] = False, component_id: str = None, stop_state: bool = True, dataflows: List[dict] = None)

Update the chart with context and / or data changes.

  • data – Optional. The full datasets object expected by ChartJs

  • options – Optional. Specific Python options available for this component

:param profile:Optional. A flag to set the component performance storage :param component_id: Not used :param stop_state: Remove the top panel for the component state (error, loading…) :param dataflows: Chain of data transformations

property d3: D3Select

Property to the D3 library.

property datasets

Chart datasets

define(options: Optional[Union[str, JsDataModel, float, dict, list, bool]] = None, dataflows: Optional[List[dict]] = None) str

Not yet defined for this chart

property options: RoughVizLine

Chart specific options.

property shared: OptionsChartSharedRoughViz

All the common properties shared between all the charts. This will ensure a compatibility with the plot method.


b = page.ui.charts.roughviz.plot(languages, y=["rating", 'change'], x='name', width=300)
b.shared.x_label("Test X")
b.shared.y_label("Test Y")
class epyk.core.html.graph.GraphRoughViz.RoughVizBar(page, width, height, html_code, options, profile)
class epyk.core.html.graph.GraphRoughViz.RoughVizBarH(page, width, height, html_code, options, profile)
class epyk.core.html.graph.GraphRoughViz.RoughVizDonut(page, width, height, html_code, options, profile)
class epyk.core.html.graph.GraphRoughViz.RoughVizPie(page, width, height, html_code, options, profile)
class epyk.core.html.graph.GraphRoughViz.RoughVizScatter(page, width, height, html_code, options, profile)