Drawers Interface

class epyk.interfaces.components.CompDrawers.Drawers(ui)
drawer(width: Union[tuple, int, str] = (100, '%'), height: Union[tuple, int, str] = (100, '%'), options: Optional[dict] = None, profile: Optional[Union[bool, dict]] = None, helper: Optional[str] = None) Drawer

Bespoke drawer with handle on the right.




d1 = page.ui.drawer()
d1.add_panel(page.ui.button("Test"), "ok")
d1.drawers[0].click([d1.panels[0].dom.css({"display": 'block'})])


  • param width:

    Optional. A tuple with the integer for the component width and its unit

    param height:

    Optional. A tuple with the integer for the component height and its unit

    param options:

    Optional. A dictionary with the components properties

    param profile:

    Optional. A flag to set the component performance storage

    param helper:

    Optional. A tooltip helper

left(width: Union[tuple, int, str] = (100, '%'), height: Union[tuple, int, str] = (200, 'px'), options: Optional[dict] = None, profile: Optional[Union[bool, dict]] = None, helper: Optional[str] = None) Drawer

Bespoke drawer with handle on the left.




  • param width:

    Optional. A tuple with the integer for the component width and its unit

    param height:

    Optional. A tuple with the integer for the component height and its unit

    param options:

    Optional. A dictionary with the components properties

    param profile:

    Optional. A flag to set the component performance storage

    param helper:

    Optional. A tooltip helper

multi(component: Html, width: Union[tuple, int, str] = (100, '%'), height: Union[tuple, int, str] = (200, 'px'), options: Optional[dict] = None, profile: Optional[dict] = None, helper: Optional[str] = None) DrawerMulti
  • param component:

    Object in charge of managing the panel display

    param width:

    Optional. A tuple with the integer for the component width and its unit

    param height:

    Optional. A tuple with the integer for the component height and its unit

    param options:

    Optional. A dictionary with the components properties

    param profile:

    Optional. A flag to set the component performance storage

    param helper:

    Optional. A tooltip helper

no_handle(component: Html, width: Union[tuple, int, str] = (100, '%'), height: Union[tuple, int, str] = (200, 'px'), options: Optional[dict] = None, profile: Optional[Union[bool, dict]] = None, helper: Optional[str] = None) Drawer

Bespoke drawer without handle. The event to display the panel will be attached to the component.




page.ui.drawers.no_handle(page.ui.button("No Handle"))
  • param component:

    Object in charge of managing the panel display

    param width:

    Optional. A tuple with the integer for the component width and its unit

    param height:

    Optional. A tuple with the integer for the component height and its unit

    param options:

    Optional. A dictionary with the components properties

    param profile:

    Optional. A flag to set the component performance storage

    param helper:

    Optional. A tooltip helper

right(width: Union[tuple, int, str] = (100, '%'), height: Union[tuple, int, str] = (200, 'px'), options: Optional[dict] = None, profile: Optional[Union[bool, dict]] = None, helper: Optional[str] = None) Drawer

Bespoke drawer with handle on the left.




button = page.ui.button("Test")

d = page.ui.drawers.right()
d.add_panel(page.ui.button("Test1"), "ok1")

  d.panels[0].dom.css({"display": 'block'}).r,
  • param width:

    Optional. A tuple with the integer for the component width and its unit

    param height:

    Optional. A tuple with the integer for the component height and its unit

    param options:

    Optional. A dictionary with the components properties

    param profile:

    Optional. A flag to set the component performance storage

    param helper:

    Optional. A tooltip helper