Forms Interface

class epyk.interfaces.components.CompForms.Forms(ui)
date(html_code: str = 'Current', profile: Optional[Union[bool, dict]] = None, options: Optional[Union[bool, dict]] = None, helper: Optional[str] = None)

Create a DatePicker object.



Usage:"", "POST")

Underlying HTML Objects:

  • param html_code:

    Optional. An identifier for this component (on both Python and Javascript side)

    param helper:

    Optional. A tooltip helper

    param profile:

    Optional. A flag to set the component performance storage

    param options:

    Optional. Specific Python options available for this component

dates(html_code: str, profile: Optional[Union[bool, dict]] = None, options: Optional[Union[bool, dict]] = None, helper: Optional[str] = None) Form

Create two DatePicker objects for current and previous.




page.ui.forms.dates("", "POST")

Underlying HTML Objects:

  • param html_code:

    An identifier for the prefix of the date components (on both Python and Javascript side)

    param profile:

    Optional. A flag to set the component performance storage

    param options:

    Optional. Specific Python options available for this component

    param helper:

    Optional. A tooltip helper

input(html_code: str, value: str = '', label: Optional[str] = None, placeholder: str = '', icon: Optional[str] = None, profile: Optional[Union[bool, dict]] = None, options: Optional[Union[bool, dict]] = None, helper: Optional[str] = None) Form



Underlying HTML Objects:

  • param html_code:

    An identifier for this component (on both Python and Javascript side)

    param value:

    Optional. The value to be displayed to this component. Default empty

    param label:

    Optional. The text of label to be added to the component

    param placeholder:

    Optional. The text to be displayed when the input is empty

    param icon:

    Optional. The component icon content from font-awesome references

    param profile:

    Optional. A flag to set the component performance storage

    param options:

    Optional. Specific Python options available for this component

    param helper:

    Optional. A tooltip helper

inputs(record: List[dict], helper: Optional[str] = None, html_code: Optional[str] = None, options: Optional[Union[bool, dict]] = None, profile: Optional[Union[bool, dict]] = False) Form



  {"label": "name", "htmlCode": "input"},
  {"label": "name 2", "htmlCode": "input2"},

Underlying HTML Objects:

  • param record:

    The Python list of dictionaries

    param html_code:

    Optional. An identifier for this component (on both Python and Javascript side)

    param helper:

    Optional. A tooltip helper

    param options:

    Optional. Specific Python options available for this component

    param profile:

    Optional. A flag to set the component performance storage

new(components: Optional[List[Html]] = None, helper: Optional[str] = None) Form

Creates a new empty form.




f = page.ui.form()
  • param helper:

    Optional. A tooltip helper

    param components:

    Optional. The different HTML objects to be added to the component

subscribe(value: str = '', placeholder: str = 'Enter email address', button: Union[Html, str] = 'Subscribe', width: Union[tuple, int, str] = (100, '%'), height: Union[tuple, int, str] = (None, 'px'), options: Optional[Union[bool, dict]] = None, profile: Optional[Union[bool, dict]] = False) Div



  • param value:

    Optional. The value to be displayed to this component. Default empty

    param placeholder:

    Optional. The text to be displayed when the input is empty

    param button:

    Optional. The button component

    param width:

    Optional. A tuple with the integer for the component width and its unit

    param height:

    Optional. A tuple with the integer for the component height and its unit

    param options:

    Optional. Specific Python options available for this component

    param profile:

    Optional. A flag to set the component performance storage